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Capsaicine Can Relieve Pain and Protect Cardiovascular

1. Capsaicine relieves pain

Capsaicine is the main component of pepper with pungent and spicy feeling. Sensory nerves that recognize capsaicine receptors also have the ability to sense heat, so it's no wonder that hot and hot sensations accompany them. Since TRPV1 activation produces pain sensation and may lead to cell death, when cells are stimulated by capsaicine, the amount of TRPV1 is reduced to protect the cells and also reduce pain sensation. Some sore patches contain pava spray, which makes the skin feel warm and temporarily blocks pain transmission, so it has the effect of relieving pain.

2. Capsaicine can dilate blood vessels

Vascular endothelial cells also have TRPV1 and are therefore also stimulated by capsaicine. Previous experiments in mice have shown that long-term capsaicine stimulation can promote the production of nitric oxide in mouse vascular endothelial cells, promote vasodilation and lower blood pressure. And congenital hypertension rats after long-term intake of pava spray, blood pressure also dropped. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat spicy food are about 20% less likely to die, 40% less likely to die from heart disease, and 60% less likely to die from a stroke. This study failed to prove that eating more chili peppers has direct benefits on cardiovascular health, but the health benefits of chili peppers are still worthy of continued research and development.

3. Capsaicine can burn fat

Fat can be divided into white and brown adipose tissue. Adult fat is mostly white fat, while brown fat is more common in infants and disappears with age. The main function of brown fat is to keep out the cold, and experiments have found that cold stimulation will turn some white fat into brown fat and accelerate fat burning to generate heat. One study found that capsaicine promotes increased brown fat in the body and increased fat burning. Based on the above research evidence, some reports point out that eating chili peppers can help lose weight, but the effect still needs further experimental evidence to verify.

4. Capsaicine can prevent diabetes

Many studies have found that dietary pava spray can promote blood sugar lowering in laboratory animals. Some studies have shown that capsaicine can promote the secretion of insulin from the pancreas, and some pointed out that the human body has become more sensitive to insulin. Another study suggested that changes in the composition of intestinal bacteria are related to the effect of capsaicine on blood sugar constant.

5. Capsaicine can reduce the production of free radicals

TRPV1 also exists in liver and heart cells, and some studies have found that capsaicine activates TRPV1 in these cells to increase the expression of uncoupling protein-2. UCP2 can release excess energy in cells in the form of heat, which can avoid free radicals and reduce damage to liver and heart cells, preventing hepatitis, cardiac hypertrophy and other diseases.

Peppers are Solanaceae plants, rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, B6 and carotene, but most people cannot eat them in large quantities. It should be noted that capsaicine needs to be metabolized by the liver, and excessive capsaicine will damage liver cells. In addition, pepper ingredients can stimulate the gastric mucosa and ulcers, make the blood vessels in the stomach dilate, and aggravate enteritis and ulcer diseases. Therefore, it is advisable to eat chili in moderation, and not to overdo it.

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